Monday, 25 April 2011

Nearly normal

Grrrr back to school tomorrow.
Back to getting up early, ironing uniforms, making packed lunches, homework and rushing everyone out of the door.

They are really not looking forward to it and neither am I. It has been the best Easter holiday, we have all loved it.  I am really going to miss the little monkeys, I might even miss their arguments.
Hmm ok, I probably won't miss the arguments or the constant mess the house has been in over the holidays (I forgot how impossible it is to clean the house properly when the kids are there!) but I will miss them.

We decided to cling onto the last day of the holidays and head off to Howletts Animal Park (just outside Canterbury) for the day. Leaving early to get there when they opened was a very good idea as come 2pm when we left it was packed!

We had a lovely day despite it costing an eye watering £67 for 2 adults and 2 kids! But the good news is that the one day tickets turn into a year long passport - so you pay once and can go back as many times as you want for a whole year! Brilliant, especially as we are only 20 minutes drive away, so we intend to make the most of this and go back  lots of times over the coming year.

I love all the primates best. Especially the Gorillas, I could have spent hours just watching and photographing them.

Ahh well, back to reality now. Thank goodness it is only a 3 day week to ease us back into normality gently, with a Royal Wedding thrown in as well!


Ali said...

It really has been a fun Easter holiday, has't it. I went to Howletts when I was a child - the monkeys used to have an enclosure with tunnels going over a footpath. They were wire and a monkey used the opportunity to pee on a visitor, much to my amusement!

Simply H said...

Oh how I wish they still had the wire tunnel still - sounds brilliant, but I guess the peeing on visitors is why they got rid of it!!